Thursday, September 21, 2006

Long time no blog...

hey there, it has been a while since i have posted anything. I was sick for a few days and we have also been kinda busy. i babysit everyday after school, we are pastoring a church, brandon has night class twice a week to get his masters. hopefully he will be done in may. just lots to do. oh yeah, i might do a horse show in oct. so now i will be getting ready for that too. anyway, andrew is doing soooo good. he is super smart and funny! well, hope i have some new pics soon. take care!

Monday, September 11, 2006

My Second Mississippi State Horseshow

Where do we start??? We left on Thursday to go the the state horseshow to watch my dad ride his horse. He didn't place but did really really good. He should have placed but hey, we can't have good judges all the time huh?LOL
We went to eat out at Mazzios, for Andrew, and at Macaroni Grill and some Mexican place on Fortification st. I can't remember....Andrew had the best time watching all the horses and all the kids ride. He loves the tractors that fixed the arena dirt and Loved the racing horses! The highlight of the trip was getting his first pair of real boots! He wore them the whole time after he got them! too cute! they do not look new anymore but that is what boots are for.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Me and my horse!

Today I got to train the horse with Granddaddy Doyle! I even got to hold the whip. Then I got tired so i took a break for a minute!!! Grandmama tried letting me sit on the fence but I really wanted to get back into the pen! At the end I got to pet Junior and tell him he did great. He will be in the State Horse Show starting on Thursday in Jackson and I get to go too!!!! I am sooo excited about seeing all the horses and going out to eat!!! ok ok, my mama is excited to go eat something good LOL!!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

It's a Holiday!!!

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Hope all of you are enjoying your day off from work! We sure are!!! The 2 bottom pics are the Before and the top is after about 10 minutes of riding!!! Nothing like a good 4wheeler ride, huh??? My Grandma Adcock drove an hour just to see me!!!! That is such good grandma! She brought me a toy truck and a banana (both are my favorites). I love her so much! We got to play out side and I showed her all of my tricks like fetching with my dogs and running away from my mama! We had a great visit! THank you for coming just for me!!!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Just Hangin' Out on Saturday!!!

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Today we went to grandmama and granddaddy's house for waffles! afterwards we played outside for a while before going home. Andrew wanted to weedeat with Granddaddy Doyle sooo bad but he didn't have any safey goggles for his eyes, YEAH RIGHT, like i would let him do that anyway!!!
"Uncle" Paul, my sis's bfriend showed Andrew how his motorcycle worked. I think Andrew (and me) prefer the 4 wheeler though!!!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Septemember is Here!!!! FUN FRIDAY at the Library, Park, and Sonic!!!

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Today is Friday and boy have we already had fun!!!!
Andrew woke up around 6:30 just in time to see his daddy and kiss and hug him bye bye...He got very upsest when daddy went out the door without him. Andrew was very patient (as any 1 yr old boy is) as I brushed my teeth and fixed my coffee!!!LOL Then it was his turn to eat his breakfast. Todays bfast consisted of a banana, cheerios and applesauce and water to drink. We really love to eat healthy most every meal. I have ALWAYS made Andrew's baby food and would have not done it any other way. It is really very very easy to me, i guess since i have done it sooo much now. and he LOVES it!!! then we did a few chores like make my bed, clean up the bathroom, wash the bfast dishes and get dressed, then we were off for the morning!!!
we left around 9:30 i think and proceded to go by the bank and cleaners then for the FUN part. Andrews 1st trip to the library. i forgot to take my camera in but trust me, he would have every book off the shelves if he would have had his way!!! soooo cute, he did pick out 3 books but since i lost my card we have to wait til next week to get them!!!LOL he also crawled through the shelves, pushed the big globe around and allll of the chairs around the books....all in all the only real mess he made was pulling out tons of straw that was around an artifical tree and putting it all in the carpet....i pray every day that Andrew loves to read as much as i do. i am a firm believer in reading whole books (Not text books) to learn different things and subjects. well, that is another topic!!!
next we went to the park and Granddaddy Doyle (my dad) met us there for a few minutes. Once Granddaddy got there andrew just wanted to lay on him instead of play!!! too cute...i guess all that reading made him sleepy!
our last stop today was at Sonic. So much for healthy!!! Andrew ate 1/2 of a jr. burger and about 10 tater tots, with water!LOL he got a toy truck that has a lift, you know he thought that was just the best part of the day!!! the pics are from the park
oh yeah, i got one book (that is all i can get til my really lib. card comes in)
WAr and Peace and the man behind the counter said "In 2 weeks just call us since you won't be finished reading this" hmmm, i will just have to prove him wrong!LOL