Friday, October 27, 2006

Summertime Memories

Here are some pictures of days gone by from our little world. I have tried for a few days to upload some pictures of Andrew (of course) Until today, we have been most couped (is that how you spell that word???) in the house. Today, the clouds parted (rather quickly I must say) and the sun was beaming proudly!!! Then me and Andrew just had to play outside. He played in as many mudpuddles as he could possibly find. I will try to get those online soon...but for now..... ok i could only get this one to come up....don't know why....i might up more on later.....not too sure. Oh this is a picture of Andrews first haircut. He was perfect!!!!

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Smell of Fall and Wintertime!!!!

Thank God for this fall-like weather! Fall and winter are just the BEST. I love the smells of Christmas, too. My mom loves to boil cinnamon sticks to make the house smell completely edible!!!LOL
I love the smell of the fireplace.....Does anyone understand how smell can bring back the best memory??? I think that I really do have a smell for every memory! Good and bad............
Yeah, you may think i am crazy but hey, i am just being honest! I will talk more about this later!!!!!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Family History

On the left is a picture of my great-grandmother (Holding the baby) and my grandmother is the oldest on her left (our top right). There were 10 children in their family. Some of the kids must have moved out...My great-grandma's name was Marcelene Daley Hanegan (Irish) and my Mammy's name is Lorraine.

On the right is a picture of my daddy (the youngest boy) with my Mamaw (Vermell Hollingsworth Batte (she died in 2003) with my Uncle Larry, and Uncle Henry. As you can see, Andrew looks a good bit like my daddy as a boy! I love old picture like these! I miss my Mamaw sooo much! She would be sooo proud of Andrew and would love him to pieces!

South Mississippi State Fair

Yesterday, me, my mom and dad took Andrew to the Fair. This was his first time to ever go and he had so much fun. We went to the petting zoo, the wildlife exhibit, he ate some corndog, chicken on a stick, and cotton candy. He loved looking at the go cart display and has one picked out for when he is older!LOL I rode the carosel with him and he smiled and laughed the whole time! Then he rode the jeep ride all by himself! He really loved driving them! I let him ride it twice since I knew how much he loved it! After all of that, we were pooped and ready to go home! He was asleep before we left the parking lot! I forgot my camera, but I will never forget the look on his face!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mallory!!!

Mallory, my little sis had her 20th birthday Oct. 1! We had a party for her on Sunday night and Ashley, Stacy (both cousins), my mom and dad, Brandon, me, and Andrew were there! She had the best cake made of red velvet! oh it was soooo good! Here are a few pics of Mallory, one of her and Ashley and one of Andrew enjoying some cake!!!!!