Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2007 Mississippi State Horse Show

Last week was Andrew's 3rd time to attend the MS State Horse Show. Well if you count 2004, I was pregnant while I was there but didn't know why I felt so nauseated! LOL Andrew had the BEST time (I guess because he was with his granddaddy so much and around other cowboy's. This was also mine and his first year to actually ride our horse there. I was extremely nervous while he was as relaxed as can be. Me, my daddy and Andrew all won trophies so you can say we were successful. I got a 10th out of 42, 10th out of 36 and my daddy got 6th out of 59, 7th out of 36, and 4th out of 20. Andrew didn't place but he was the obvious winner!! We got to grill out, meet other cowboys, and hang out with old friends and family. Andrew makes friends with everyone he meets. Our official picture will be here in a few weeks with us dressed in our show outfits. It was a long week, but on the other hand, it went by too fast. Another year passed so quickly and Andrew is growing too fast. We are still recoving from all the really late nights (me and my dad showed one night at 12:30 & 2am). To sum it up, we had soooo much fun. And all those long afternoons (some at 100 F) of riding and trying not to give up were worth it and now I want to do ever better. I have realized that I enjoy the competition. So ya'll better watch out!!!!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Quality or Quantity?

Baking today was lots of fun for me and Andrew. I cooked a cake in a 9x13 pan and let it cool on the counter. Well, I was doing something in my living room and dear Andrew got a spatula and began eating my warm cake. Sooo, it was a mess. So I put the icing on and me and Andrew had an indoor picnic/tea party. It still damp out from yesterdays rain and we had to stay in. Andrew had good ole sweet tea and I had Earl Grey. We even drank and ate off of my Blue Willow China. Andrew too. He had a great time and though it was very special. Of course, it really was. Due to chocolate icing all over us, no pictures were taken. Then we had to take our horse to the dentist, yes the dentist!!!

As a child, I remember the best times with my parents were when they went out of their way and made things just a bit more exciting. Nothing too much, just to show they wanted to be with me. That is all children want. One on one time, quality and quantity. They need you to look into their eyes, to know you think they are special. No one else can fulfill this need.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Andrew's Birthday

This is my precious, smartest, angelic 2 year old, Andrew. This picture is him at his birthday party in May. He LOVES LOVES LOVES tractors so that was how we decorated for his party. He is all boy and all cowboy/farmer. What can I say, we are all country. I don't know about you, but I think children have a much happier party when things are kept simple. We invited our family and many of Andrew's little cousins--Jenna, Ethan, Taylor, Amber, Jasmine, and Hunter! They had a blast riding in Andrew's new Gator from Grandmama & Granddaddy (my parents). By the time we ate cake, Andrew was a bit tired. My new goal for next year is to make Andrew's cake. I used to love bakery cakes, but the more we eat them the more I realize homemade not only tastes better, but has a lot more love involved. Soooo, I will start practicing soon, because I am not a baker, I just love to "throw" stuff together in a skillet and make casseroles. Andrew is worth anything, even trying to bake.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A New Beginning

Welcome back to my blog. My my how things have changed since last year. But, needless to say, I am back. I am getting ready for my state horse show so things are going to be a bit hectic until then, but I am ready. As you can see from my new blog title, contentment is the theme of my everyday life. Without it, life isn't special. I am continually amazed that when you allow God to work in your life, he gives you a peace that truly surpasses understanding. In saying this, feel free to comment advise, prayer requests, or whatever is on your heart.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Well where do i start??? We have had a crazy week and a 1/2. My grandpa had a stroke and has been on life support for 10 days now.....Last night my great uncle passed due to a massive heart attack, and Andrew isn't feeling well. He has been running a fever for almost 24 hours and it makes me just want to cry. But i know God is taking care of him. I keep trying to upload pics but it isnt working!!! Please remember my family, especially my grandmother.

Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm FLYin now!!!

I recently discovered a website for people who love structure, or hate it but need it.
it is a how-to guide to clean your home systematically yet not even realize that is what you are doing. it teaches how habits should be formed to always have your home in order. i am a clean person. i mean, i really am i think!!!LOL
But I had a problem with my home getting messing in like 1/2 a day!! i hope this site enables me to not let that happen too much! Anyway, to all of you who love a tidy home, check it out.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

What a long time!

Yes, is has been a while since i have blogged. it was such a hassle the last couple of times i got on so i just stopped. I hate to say it but I really am not into it anymore. maybe taht will change but for now....that is just how i feel. we have been busy with the holidays, church, and doing a bit of remodeling. now we are just in the january blahs but i love the cold rainy days! i really do. Andrew is growing into such a wonderful baby, as usual, and he is learning so many things. the best thing is that he is beginning to mind so well. He is also really into reading time every morning! I love that. He also "helps" me do little things around the house. Mostly, he is a real litte cowboy/farmer. His heart is for the great outdoors. We have also been fortunate this season to not be sick at all. I can honestly say it is God and also letting Andrew play and get dirty outside everyday. Also he is great at eating veggies....his fave is still black-eyed peas and sweet potatoes. He is sooo good!!!!
I will try to post a pic...It didn't work