Thursday, August 31, 2006

Last day of August--playing in Grandmama & Granddaddy's yard

Here are some pics of Andrew, Kameryn, and my dog Lucy (the black dog, the other dog is Rosie my mom and dad's dog). We hang out here on Thursday's because Brandon has night class and we don't like to stay at home alone...We love to play outside and play fetch with the dogs...Andrew usually goes to the driveway to play in the rocks. He can walk sooo fast in them even without shoes. He is a tough boy huh! His birthday is may 14th and he is 15 1/2 months now! I will post some of his other baby pics soon. He was 6lbs. and 11 oz and 19 inches. He is sooo smart and just the cutest baby in the world (besides your baby LOL, i know how moms are)
Lucy can catch a frisbee in mid air--she can jump at least 4 feet in the air. She is part Pomeranian and part Sheltie (she was 2 April 15th) . I have been babysitting Kameryn since last year and before that my sister Mallory kept her for 2 years. So in total we have kept her since Kindergarten!

We love playing outside, and since Andrew has been born, being outside is his favorite thing to do....mostly just digging in the rocks these days!!!


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